Cheyenne Mitchell

Cheyenne Mitchell writes fast-paced, supernatural thrillers.  Her first  novel, In The Light of Darkness, was published in 2007.

Hi Cheyenne, please tell everyone a little about yourself.

Cheyenne: I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism/Communication, I was born in Philadelphia, Pa, and I’ve always loved reading fast-paced, exciting novels of which my favorite of all time is entitled The Captains and The Kings by Taylor Caldwell. It’s an over a thousand page novel I read in about four days during the early 1980s.  I love writing, singing, dancing, and being with God and family most of all.

When did the writing bug bite, and in what genre (s)?

Cheyenne: My love of writing began at the age of six years old when I was in the first grade. I loved writing poetry, and my favorite Poet has always been Mr. Edgar Allan Poe whose writings were dark, but very heart-felt.  I have always been attracted to the supernatural/thrillers with a touch of drama, which is what I myself love to write about.

When you started writing, what goals did you want to accomplish? Is there a message you want readers to grasp?

Cheyenne: I wrote my first supernatural thriller/drama In The Light of Darkness in 1993. It took me three years to write it because I was working full time then.  My goal has always been to become a rich and famous novelist, and still is.  The message I want readers to grasp from my writings is “what if” this could happen?  Or what if this happened to you?  I aim to make my protagonists and their problems very identifiable to readers so they can sympathize with them, and to keep them on the edge of their seats with nail-biting suspense and mystery in the process.

Briefly tell us about your latest book.  Is it part of a series or stand-alone?

Cheyenne: I have two supernatural thrillers on the market right now. One is entitled The Covering which is the story of two, teenage sisters who cannot figure out what is going on with their family members who are very strange.  Celia, who is the protagonist, will take readers on an incredible and exciting journey as she endeavors, along with her sister, Drew, to find out what their family members are hiding from them.  It is a novel filled with terror and lots of shock for readers.  My other novel, Syroia, is the story of a young man who is only one member of a family who has been tormented for generations by the demonic spirit of a long-dead murderer. However, the spirit he sees after every killing is NOT the one who has actually been terrorizing him, and many others in his family.  The Covering  is receiving all FIVE stars, and Syroia as well from reviewers.

What is the hook for the book?

Cheyenne:  In The Covering: What if nearly two hundred year old vampires were raising two normal, teenage girls who are their own flesh and blood?  In Syroia: What if a terrible spirit of someone you never knew is after your soul, but is really someone closer to you than you would ever believe?

How do you develop characters? Setting?

Cheyenne: I must say that all of my inspiration, creativity, and imagination come directly from God ALONE, and nowhere else. It is like second nature to me. Like a burning in my bones.  I have been awakened at three in the morning with ideas for a story or character.

Who’s the most unusual/most likeable character?

Cheyenne: I would have to say my most likeable character in all three of my supernatural thrillers would be Tyla Davidson in In The Light of Darkness.  She suffered much as a little girl along with her siblings because of who they believed was their mother. But in the end all of them come through their terror not entirely unscathed, but they manage to find peace.

Do you have specific techniques to help you maintain the course of the plot?

Cheyenne: Again, I have to rely on God, and I take a lot of notes.  All I do is write whatever He tells me to write. The words seem to come pouring out onto the page, and the plot comes together naturally for me.

What are your current projects?

Cheyenne: I have a number of projects yet to begin from my God.  One thing He wants me to do is write a screenplay for one of my novels. I am in the process of beginning that.  Also, I have novels in front of me yet to write, and short stories I want to have published.   I have chapters of  In the Light of Darkness on my website and website blog – and I have posted a short story thriller on Facebook (  entitled “The Doorway” and another short story   thriller on my blog ( entitled “Enraged.”  I hope readers will enjoy them.

 Thanks for joining us today, Cheyenne.

 Cheyenne: Thank you so much.

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